How to navigate the omics of sphingo and glycosphingo lipidomics, Part 1
Presented by:
Dr Al Merrill
This webinar will give an introductory overview of the structures, metabolic pathways and functions of sphingolipids and glycosphingolipids, then it will expand on this familiar framework to the much more complex picture that emerges when the entire "(glyco)sphingolipidome" is considered. Where known, the origins of the structural diversity will be discussed, as well as some of the consequences for biologic function and disease. An understanding of these topics will be useful in the design and interpretation of lipidomic analyses that include (glyco)sphingolipids.
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About Dr Al Merrill
Al has studied sphingolipids for nearly forty years and his laboratory and collaborators have contributed to our understanding of sphingolipid structure and function, metabolism, and interrelationships between sphingolipids and disease. He and Dr. Cameron Sullards, who is now with Avanti Polar Lipids, were the directors of the Sphingolipid and Glycosphingolipid Core Laboratory for the first decade of LIPID MAPS®, and he now serves as a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee.
October 2nd, 2019
5pm BST |
9am PDT |
12pm EDT