Novel functions of sPLA2s, role of inhibitors and PLA2R1
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About Dr Gérard Lambeau
Gérard Lambeau is
Director of Research at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
and team Leader at the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (IPMC), in Valbonne Sophia
Antipolis, France. He graduated from the
University Côte d’Azur and received his PhD in Biological Sciences in 1995, at
the time he discovered PLA2R1, a receptor for a family of secreted
phospholipases A2 (sPLA2s). Over the last 30 years, his research focuses on the
pathophysiological functions of sPLA2s and PLA2R1, in “all their states”,
highlighting these proteins as therapeutic targets and biomarkers in cardiovascular
and inflammatory diseases, cancers and infections. Over the last decade, his team has collaborated
with nephrologists to identify PLA2R1 and THSD7A as two important autoantigens
in membranous nephropathy, a rare but severe autoimmune kidney disease. He has co-authored 165 publications (H-index:
72; >17 000 citations, Google scholars) and has been the recipient of several awards.