Empowering lipid discovery through isomer-resolved mass spectrometry
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About Prof. Stephen Blanksby
Prof. Stephen Blanksby holds a PhD in chemistry (1999, U. Adelaide) and has postdoctoral research experience in Europe and the USA. He held a teaching and research position at the U. Wollongong (2002-2013) before becoming Professor of Chemistry at Queensland University of Technology (2014-present) where he has served as Director of the Central Analytical Research Facility and Pro Vice Chancellor Research Infrastructure. Stephen’s research is focused on advances in mass spectrometry to empower molecular discovery in chemistry and biology with a particular focus on overcoming the challenges in structural lipidomics. He has published 200 peer-reviewed articles, serves as an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and is currently vice-president of the International Mass Spectrometry Foundation.