The plasmalogen double bond: Biosynthesis and functional significance
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About Assoc. Professor Katrin Watschinger
Watschinger is an associate professor in the Institute of Biological Chemistry
at the Biocenter of the Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria). After her
studies of chemistry at the Innsbruck University and a PhD on neuronal calcium
channels Katrin Watschinger continued her scientific curriculum at the Medical
University of Innsbruck in the field of ether lipids. In 2010, she discovered
the genetic identity of alkylglycerol monooxygenase (AGMO). With an
Erwin-Schrödinger fellowship from the FWF Katrin spent 12 months at the
University of Oxford where she was able to launch the generation of the so far
only Agmo knockout mouse which is now established in her lab. Recently, she and
her team could identify also the gene coding for plasmanylethanolamine
desaturase (PEDS1), another orphan enzyme in ether lipid metabolism. This
finding now allows her to dissect the roles of different types of ether lipids,
the plasmalogens and plasmanyl lipids, in physiology and pathophysiology.