LMPD Database


Gene Information

Entrez Gene ID838314
Gene Namelipoxygenase 3
Gene SymbolLOX3
SpeciesArabidopsis thaliana
Gene Ontology (GO Annotations)
GO IDSourceTypeDescription
GO:0009507 IEA:UniProtKB-KWCchloroplast
GO:0005506 IEA:InterProFiron ion binding
GO:0016165 IDA:UniProtKBFlinoleate 13S-lipoxygenase activity
GO:0009901 IGI:TAIRPanther dehiscence
GO:0048653 IGI:TAIRPanther development
GO:0034440 IDA:TAIRPlipid oxidation
GO:0031408 IEA:UniProtKB-UniPathwayPoxylipin biosynthetic process
GO:0009555 IGI:TAIRPpollen development
GO:0009620 IEP:TAIRPresponse to fungus
GO:0009644 IEP:UniProtKBPresponse to high light intensity
GO:0009753 IEP:UniProtKBPresponse to jasmonic acid
GO:0009611 IEP:UniProtKBPresponse to wounding
GO:0080086 IGI:TAIRPstamen filament development
KEGG Pathway Links
KEGG Pathway IDDescription
ath00592alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism
ath_M00113Jasmonic acid biosynthesis
ath00591Linoleic acid metabolism
REACTOME Pathway Links
REACTOME Pathway IDDescription
6254368Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX)