LMPD Database


Identical and related proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for LMP006610 (as displayed in Record Overview)
Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein name
133504509 RefSeq NP_001028346 805 oxysterol-binding protein 1
Identical Sequences to LMP006610 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:133504509 is identical to SwissProt Q3B7Z2.3 805 RecName: Full=Oxysterol-binding protein 1 [Mus musculus]
Related Sequences to LMP006610 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:133504509 is related to GenBank AAA59973.1 807 oxysterol-binding protein [Homo sapiens]
GI:133504509 is related to GenBank AAH11581.1 807 Oxysterol binding protein [Homo sapiens]
GI:133504509 is related to GenBank EAW73849.1 807 oxysterol binding protein [Homo sapiens]
GI:133504509 is related to GenBank AHD74698.1 807 Sequence 14715 from patent US 8586006
GI:133504509 is related to RefSeq XP_006231152.1 805 PREDICTED: oxysterol-binding protein 1 isoform X1 [Rattus norvegicus]
GI:133504509 is related to SwissProt P22059.1 807 RecName: Full=Oxysterol-binding protein 1 [Homo sapiens]