LMPD Database


Identical and related proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for LMP002059 (as displayed in Record Overview)
Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein name
46518506 RefSeq NP_032563 381 alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase
Identical Sequences to LMP002059 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:46518506 is identical to DBBJ BAC33284.1 381 unnamed protein product [Mus musculus]
GI:46518506 is identical to DBBJ BAB22072.2 381 unnamed protein product [Mus musculus]
GI:46518506 is identical to SwissProt O09174.4 381 RecName: Full=Alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase; AltName: Full=2-methylacyl-CoA racemase [Mus musculus]
Related Sequences to LMP002059 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:46518506 is related to DBBJ BAE35893.1 381 unnamed protein product [Mus musculus]
GI:46518506 is related to GenBank AAB72146.1 360 alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase [Mus musculus]
GI:46518506 is related to GenBank AAH15825.1 360 Amacr protein [Mus musculus]
GI:46518506 is related to GenBank EDL03288.1 369 alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase [Mus musculus]
GI:46518506 is related to GenBank EDL82982.1 382 alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase [Rattus norvegicus]
GI:46518506 is related to RefSeq NP_036948.2 382 alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase [Rattus norvegicus]