LIPID MAPS® Gene/Proteome Database (LMPD)

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LMPD Record


Gene Information

Entrez Gene ID83572
Gene Nameplatelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase 1b, regulatory subunit 1
Gene SymbolPafah1b1
SpeciesRattus norvegicus
Gene Ontology (GO Annotations)
GO IDSourceTypeDescription
GO:0000235 IEA:EnsemblCastral microtubule
GO:0030424 IDA:RGDCaxon
GO:0005938 IEA:EnsemblCcell cortex
GO:0031252 IEA:EnsemblCcell leading edge
GO:0005813 IEA:EnsemblCcentrosome
GO:0005829 IDA:RGDCcytosol
GO:0070062 IEA:EnsemblCextracellular vesicular exosome
GO:0030426 IDA:RGDCgrowth cone
GO:0005871 IDA:RGDCkinesin complex
GO:0000776 IEA:EnsemblCkinetochore
GO:0016020 IEA:UniProtKB-KWCmembrane
GO:0031512 IEA:EnsemblCmotile primary cilium
GO:0043025 IDA:RGDCneuronal cell body
GO:0043005 IDA:RGDCneuron projection
GO:0005635 IDA:MGICnuclear envelope
GO:0048471 IEA:EnsemblCperinuclear region of cytoplasm
GO:0031982 IDA:RGDCvesicle
GO:0045505 IDA:RGDFdynein intermediate chain binding
GO:0047179 TAS:RGDFplatelet-activating factor acetyltransferase activity
GO:0032403 IPI:RGDFprotein complex binding
GO:0001675 IEA:EnsemblPacrosome assembly
GO:0030036 IEA:EnsemblPactin cytoskeleton organization
GO:0008344 IEA:EnsemblPadult locomotory behavior
GO:0001667 IEA:EnsemblPameboidal cell migration
GO:0007420 IEP:RGDPbrain development
GO:0048854 IEA:EnsemblPbrain morphogenesis
GO:0021895 IMP:RGDPcerebral cortex neuron differentiation
GO:0021540 IEA:EnsemblPcorpus callosum morphogenesis
GO:0051660 IMP:RGDPestablishment of centrosome localization
GO:0000132 IEA:UniProtKB-HAMAPPestablishment of mitotic spindle orientation
GO:0021766 IEA:EnsemblPhippocampus development
GO:0021819 IEA:EnsemblPlayer formation in cerebral cortex
GO:0007611 IEA:EnsemblPlearning or memory
GO:0016042 IEA:UniProtKB-KWPlipid catabolic process
GO:0031023 IEA:EnsemblPmicrotubule organizing center organization
GO:0007067 IEA:UniProtKB-KWPmitotic nuclear division
GO:0046329 IEA:EnsemblPnegative regulation of JNK cascade
GO:0010977 IMP:RGDPnegative regulation of neuron projection development
GO:0007405 IEA:EnsemblPneuroblast proliferation
GO:0050885 IEA:EnsemblPneuromuscular process controlling balance
GO:0001764 IMP:RGDPneuron migration
GO:0051081 IEA:EnsemblPnuclear envelope disassembly
GO:0007097 IMP:RGDPnuclear migration
GO:0036035 IEA:EnsemblPosteoclast development
GO:0045773 IMP:RGDPpositive regulation of axon extension
GO:0001961 IEA:EnsemblPpositive regulation of cytokine-mediated signaling pathway
GO:0045931 IMP:RGDPpositive regulation of mitotic cell cycle
GO:0009306 IEA:EnsemblPprotein secretion
GO:0032319 IEA:EnsemblPregulation of Rho GTPase activity
GO:0008090 IEA:EnsemblPretrograde axon cargo transport
GO:0017145 IMP:RGDPstem cell division
GO:0007268 IEA:EnsemblPsynaptic transmission
GO:0019226 IEA:EnsemblPtransmission of nerve impulse
GO:0047496 IEA:EnsemblPvesicle transport along microtubule
KEGG Pathway Links
KEGG Pathway IDDescription
ko00565Ether lipid metabolism
rno00565Ether lipid metabolism
rno01100Metabolic pathways
REACTOME Pathway Links
REACTOME Pathway IDDescription
5953205Cell Cycle
5953204Cell Cycle, Mitotic
5954157Centrosome maturation
5953690G2/M Transition
5954155Loss of Nlp from mitotic centrosomes
5954156Loss of proteins required for interphase microtubule organization from the centrosome
5953853Mitotic Anaphase
5953691Mitotic G2-G2/M phases
5953742Mitotic Metaphase and Anaphase
5954139Mitotic Prometaphase
5953688M Phase
5954159Recruitment of mitotic centrosome proteins and complexes
5954588Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition
5954495Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion
5953852Separation of Sister Chromatids