LMPD Database


Identical and related proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for LMP002570 (as displayed in Record Overview)
Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein name
355594753 RefSeq NP_001822 449 clusterin preproprotein
Identical Sequences to LMP002570 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:355594753 is identical to GenBank AGA52039.1 449 Sequence 11 from patent US 8329399
GI:355594753 is identical to GenBank AGM56998.1 449 Sequence 14 from patent US 8420337
GI:355594753 is identical to GenBank AGV81884.1 449 Sequence 206 from patent US 8524238
GI:355594753 is identical to GenBank AHD78165.1 449 Sequence 25502 from patent US 8586006
GI:355594753 is identical to GenBank AHE20650.1 449 Sequence 14 from patent US 8575107
GI:355594753 is identical to GenBank AIC48520.1 449 CLU, partial [synthetic construct]
Related Sequences to LMP002570 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:355594753 is related to DBBJ BAI46041.1 501 clusterin, partial [synthetic construct]
GI:355594753 is related to GenBank AFL25856.1 501 Sequence 205 from patent US 8168586
GI:355594753 is related to GenBank AGA52038.1 501 Sequence 10 from patent US 8329399
GI:355594753 is related to GenBank AGV81883.1 501 Sequence 205 from patent US 8524238
GI:355594753 is related to GenBank AHD78164.1 501 Sequence 25501 from patent US 8586006
GI:355594753 is related to RefSeq XP_006716347.1 501 PREDICTED: clusterin isoform X1 [Homo sapiens]