LMPD Database


Identical and related proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for LMP001614 (as displayed in Record Overview)
Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein name
8923896 RefSeq NP_061147 701 acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase, cytoplasmic isoform 1
253970489 RefSeq NP_001070020 714 acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase, cytoplasmic isoform 2
334724455 RefSeq NP_001229322 606 acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase, cytoplasmic isoform 3
Identical Sequences to LMP001614 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:334724455 is identical to GenBank AAH98422.1 606 ACSS2 protein [Homo sapiens]
GI:253970489 is identical to GenBank EAW76248.1 714 acyl-CoA synthetase short-chain family member 2, isoform CRA_f [Homo sapiens]
GI:8923896 is identical to GenBank ADT51185.1 701 Sequence 3202 from patent US 7842467
GI:253970489 is identical to GenBank ADT51188.1 714 Sequence 3205 from patent US 7842467
GI:8923896 is identical to GenBank ADT51191.1 701 Sequence 3208 from patent US 7842467
GI:8923896 is identical to GenBank AEW41524.1 701 Sequence 130 from patent US 8076120
GI:8923896 is identical to GenBank AFN90989.1 701 Sequence 130 from patent US 8198066
GI:8923896 is identical to GenBank AGV79218.1 701 Sequence 130 from patent US 8501455
GI:8923896 is identical to GenBank AHD70009.1 701 Sequence 2098 from patent US 8586006
GI:334724455 is identical to GenBank AHD70010.1 606 Sequence 2099 from patent US 8586006
Related Sequences to LMP001614 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:253970489 is related to DBBJ BAC03849.1 714 unnamed protein product [Homo sapiens]
GI:253970489 is related to EMBL CBN62119.1 714 unnamed protein product [Homo sapiens]
GI:253970489 is related to EMBL CBN59902.1 714 unnamed protein product [Homo sapiens]
GI:8923896 is related to GenBank AAH12172.1 701 Acyl-CoA synthetase short-chain family member 2 [Homo sapiens]
GI:8923896 is related to GenBank EAW76245.1 703 acyl-CoA synthetase short-chain family member 2, isoform CRA_d [Homo sapiens]
GI:334724455 is related to GenBank EAW76247.1 701 acyl-CoA synthetase short-chain family member 2, isoform CRA_e [Homo sapiens]
GI:334724455 is related to GenBank ACH05719.1 701 Sequence 130 from patent US 7393676
GI:334724455 is related to GenBank ADT42263.1 701 Sequence 1209 from patent US 7833706
GI:8923896 is related to GenBank ADT42266.1 703 Sequence 1212 from patent US 7833706
GI:334724455 is related to GenBank ADT51185.1 701 Sequence 3202 from patent US 7842467
GI:8923896 is related to GenBank ADT51187.1 703 Sequence 3204 from patent US 7842467
GI:334724455 is related to GenBank ADT51191.1 701 Sequence 3208 from patent US 7842467
GI:334724455 is related to GenBank AEW41524.1 701 Sequence 130 from patent US 8076120
GI:8923896 is related to GenBank JAA00757.1 702 acyl-CoA synthetase short-chain family member 2 [Pan troglodytes]
GI:8923896 is related to GenBank JAA12761.1 702 acyl-CoA synthetase short-chain family member 2 [Pan troglodytes]
GI:253970489 is related to RefSeq XP_514806.3 715 PREDICTED: acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase, cytoplasmic isoform X2 [Pan troglodytes]
GI:253970489 is related to RefSeq XP_004062093.1 714 PREDICTED: acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase, cytoplasmic isoform 2 [Gorilla gorilla gorilla]
GI:253970489 is related to RefSeq XP_005260512.1 724 PREDICTED: acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase, cytoplasmic isoform X2 [Homo sapiens]