EB 2007 Lipidomics Workshop Presentations

The LIPID MAPS Consortium conducted an open Workshop on "Lipidomics" at Experimental Biology 2007 under the auspices of the American Society for Nutrition. A panel of eight experts discussed methods that have been developed under our NIH (NIGMS) "Glue-grant" for analysis of neutral glycerolipids, phospholipids, eicosanoids, sterols, sphingolipids, prenols and various novel lipids by mass spectrometry as well as related issues such as sample extraction, internal standards, data handling and display, and nomenclature.
Support for the workshop was provided by the LIPID MAPS Glue grant (U54 GM069338), Avanti Polar Lipids, Advion, Applied Biosystems, Georgia Institute of Technology, the Journal of Lipid Research, and the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

The following workshop presentations are now available for download/viewing in PDF format. (Please send any inquiries about the individual presentations directly to the speaker using the mailbox icons next to the speaker name):

Welcome and overview of the Lipid Maps Consortium and world-wide lipidomics initiatives (768k)
Ed Dennis

Introduction of the Analytical Technologies Panel and Acknowledgments (1.9M)
Al Merrill

Brief introduction to lipid analysis by mass spectrometry and challenges, as illustrated with neutral and phospho-glycero lipids (808k)
Bob Murphy

Sphingolipids (and precursor fatty acyl-CoA's) (1.4M)
Cameron Sullards

Sterols (1.1M)
Jeff McDonald

Eicosanoids (488k)
Rick Harkewicz

Novel lipid analysis (1.6M)
Teresa Garrett

Internal standards for lipidomic analysis (1.5M)
Walt Shaw

Data handling and bioinformatics, pathway visualization & interpretation (3.6M)
Eoin Fahy

In conjuction with the EB Lipidomics workshop, we have also prepared the following set of lipid extraction protocols, available as *.gif images:

Lipid extraction protocols
Eicosanoids / Fatty Acids
Sphingolipids / Glycosphingolipids
Cardiolipin and Isoprenoids