LMPD Database


Identical and related proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for LMP001664 (as displayed in Record Overview)
Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein name
23397653 RefSeq NP_057021 578 GPI transamidase component PIG-T isoform 1 precursor
296080710 RefSeq NP_001171657 522 GPI transamidase component PIG-T isoform 2 precursor
296080710 RefSeq NP_001171658 522 GPI transamidase component PIG-T isoform 3 precursor
296080714 RefSeq NP_001171659 476 GPI transamidase component PIG-T isoform 4 precursor
Identical Sequences to LMP001664 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:296080710 is identical to DBBJ BAH12267.1 522 unnamed protein product [Homo sapiens]
GI:296080710 is identical to DBBJ BAH12267.1 522 unnamed protein product [Homo sapiens]
GI:296080714 is identical to DBBJ BAH13624.1 476 unnamed protein product [Homo sapiens]
GI:296080710 is identical to GenBank ADT44553.1 522 Sequence 222 from patent US 7838636
GI:296080710 is identical to GenBank ADT44553.1 522 Sequence 222 from patent US 7838636
GI:296080710 is identical to GenBank ADT51726.1 522 Sequence 3743 from patent US 7842467
GI:296080710 is identical to GenBank ADT51726.1 522 Sequence 3743 from patent US 7842467
GI:23397653 is identical to GenBank AED56755.1 578 Sequence 23 from patent US 7897394
GI:296080710 is identical to GenBank AEJ71533.1 522 Sequence 1317 from patent US 7968689
GI:296080710 is identical to GenBank AEJ71533.1 522 Sequence 1317 from patent US 7968689
GI:23397653 is identical to GenBank AFO15774.1 578 Sequence 23 from patent US 8211998
GI:23397653 is identical to GenBank JAA07256.1 578 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class T [Pan troglodytes]
GI:296080710 is identical to GenBank JAA07257.1 522 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class T [Pan troglodytes]
GI:296080710 is identical to GenBank JAA07257.1 522 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class T [Pan troglodytes]
GI:23397653 is identical to GenBank AIC56487.1 578 PIGT, partial [synthetic construct]
GI:23397653 is identical to RefSeq XP_008949602.1 578 PREDICTED: GPI transamidase component PIG-T isoform X1 [Pan paniscus]
GI:23397653 is identical to RefSeq XP_009435578.1 578 PREDICTED: GPI transamidase component PIG-T isoform X1 [Pan troglodytes]
GI:296080710 is identical to RefSeq XP_009435579.1 522 PREDICTED: GPI transamidase component PIG-T isoform X2 [Pan troglodytes]
GI:296080710 is identical to RefSeq XP_009435579.1 522 PREDICTED: GPI transamidase component PIG-T isoform X2 [Pan troglodytes]
GI:296080714 is identical to RefSeq XP_009435580.1 476 PREDICTED: GPI transamidase component PIG-T isoform X3 [Pan troglodytes]
Related Sequences to LMP001664 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:296080714 is related to GenBank AAN96899.1 522 Sequence 220 from patent US 6475753
GI:296080714 is related to GenBank AAW00978.1 522 Sequence 220 from patent US 6774216
GI:23397653 is related to GenBank AAI10893.1 577 PIGT protein, partial [Homo sapiens]
GI:296080714 is related to GenBank EAW75844.1 522 phosphatidylinositol glycan, class T, isoform CRA_d [Homo sapiens]
GI:23397653 is related to GenBank ABN22119.1 574 Sequence 234 from patent US 7153939
GI:23397653 is related to GenBank ABN26579.1 574 Sequence 340 from patent US 7157247
GI:23397653 is related to GenBank ABN30348.1 574 Sequence 340 from patent US 7166282
GI:296080714 is related to GenBank ACE20878.1 522 Sequence 6109 from patent US 7368531
GI:296080714 is related to GenBank ACH31629.1 522 Sequence 6109 from patent US 7411051
GI:23397653 is related to GenBank ACP73801.1 574 Sequence 234 from patent US 7495083
GI:296080714 is related to GenBank AEJ71533.1 522 Sequence 1317 from patent US 7968689
GI:23397653 is related to RefSeq XP_004062289.1 578 PREDICTED: GPI transamidase component PIG-T [Gorilla gorilla gorilla]
GI:296080710 is related to RefSeq XP_004430399.1 522 PREDICTED: GPI transamidase component PIG-T isoform 2 [Ceratotherium simum simum]
GI:296080710 is related to RefSeq XP_004430399.1 522 PREDICTED: GPI transamidase component PIG-T isoform 2 [Ceratotherium simum simum]
GI:296080710 is related to RefSeq XP_004631003.1 522 PREDICTED: GPI transamidase component PIG-T isoform X2 [Octodon degus]
GI:296080710 is related to RefSeq XP_004631003.1 522 PREDICTED: GPI transamidase component PIG-T isoform X2 [Octodon degus]
GI:296080710 is related to RefSeq XP_005325325.1 522 PREDICTED: GPI transamidase component PIG-T isoform X2 [Ictidomys tridecemlineatus]
GI:296080710 is related to RefSeq XP_005325325.1 522 PREDICTED: GPI transamidase component PIG-T isoform X2 [Ictidomys tridecemlineatus]
GI:296080710 is related to RefSeq XP_005392484.1 617 PREDICTED: GPI transamidase component PIG-T isoform X2 [Chinchilla lanigera]
GI:296080710 is related to RefSeq XP_005392484.1 617 PREDICTED: GPI transamidase component PIG-T isoform X2 [Chinchilla lanigera]
GI:296080710 is related to RefSeq XP_006091461.1 553 PREDICTED: GPI transamidase component PIG-T isoform X2 [Myotis lucifugus]
GI:296080710 is related to RefSeq XP_006091461.1 553 PREDICTED: GPI transamidase component PIG-T isoform X2 [Myotis lucifugus]
GI:296080710 is related to RefSeq XP_006193581.1 522 PREDICTED: GPI transamidase component PIG-T isoform X2 [Camelus ferus]
GI:296080710 is related to RefSeq XP_006193581.1 522 PREDICTED: GPI transamidase component PIG-T isoform X2 [Camelus ferus]